For International Students (留学生の皆様へ)
I think your everyday life is surrounded by various instruments. These instruments have been developed through many years' research. In the past, a "machine" was only "machine" (such as bicycle), and an electric instrument is only "electric instrument" (such as electric light bulb). In recent years, however, almost all mechanical instruments are controlled by computers which consist of many electric circuits and electronic devices such as LSIs. In this way, we are usually using many mechanical-electronic systems. This trend will move forward further and further. Our department is doing research and education for such mechanical-electronic systems and engineers.
Using a huge amount of such convenient instruments, however, may give significant negative impact to global and local environment. We have to therefore pursue techniques to make and operate such systems with as high efficiency as possible. Otherwise, it would be impossible to realize high-quality life in many countries in the world. I think this is one of the most important policies for the engineers who study and develop next-generation mechanical-electronic instruments.
In our department, we welcome students who want to become such an engineer for the 21st century, by preparing a comprehensive education program to realize your dream. For more information, please contact our e-mail address shown in the "Introduction" page.
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皆さんは,毎日便利な機械に囲まれて生活しているでしょう.家でも学校でも・・・・・ちょっと思い返して下さい. これらは,科学技術の進歩とともに研究・開発されてきたものです. 昔は,機械は機械(自転車など),電気製品は電気製品(電球など)と分かれていました. しかし,今はどうでしょう.ほとんどの機械は,コンピュータで制御され,コンピュータは大変複雑な電気回路から成り立っています.
このように,現代社会は,機械から電気,更に電気のもとになる「電子」技術の融合した製品が我々の生活にも,生産現場でも使われています. しかし,これらの便利さを追求するあまり,地球環境に影響を与えていることも確かです. すなわち,私たちは,これらの機械と電気の融合製品を,できるだけ,少ないエネルギーで賢く作り,動作させる技術を追求しなければなりません. そうでなければ,今後多くの国々での生活向上に繋がっていきません.これが,これからの機械・電気技術のあり方だと思います. 私たちの学科で,そのような技術者を育成することを目的にしています.