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The lectures conducted in this department are organized in accordance with the basic education policy of this department; wide range of basic knowledge and deeper knowledge of a specific course. Four courses are prepared; (1) Control systems engineering, (2) Instrumentation systems engineering (3) Electrical and electronic systems engineering, and (4) Electronic devices engineering. The subjects are classified into four categories:

  1. Fundamental subjects to understand the basics of science and engineering.
  2. Basic electrical and mechanical subjects required in common for this department.
  3. Advanced subjects prepared for individual courses.
  4. Subjects prepared to obtain specific qualification and licenses.

The lectures conducted in this department are organized in accordance with the basic education policy of this department; wide range of basic knowledge and deeper knowledge of a specific course. The subjects are classified into two categories:
1. Basic electrical and mechanical subjects required in common for this department.
2. Advanced subjects prepared for individual courses.

In March 1999, a comprehensive computer system consisting of 80 computer terminals each of which is driven by a Windows NT and Linux dual boot system was completed. Since then, various lectures and experiments have been utilizing this system in order to improve understanding of complicated electronic circuits and mechanical systems. Moreover,lectures on computer network and internet utilization have been started. An up-to-date linux OS plays an important role in this computer system, and students are expected to experience Linux during their stay in this department.

Some snap shots of lectures, technocal tours are shown here.


The department aims to produce graduates who have prepared for professional engineering practice in one of the fields of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and electronic engineering, with a fundamental knowledge over the three fields.

The educational program of the department has been accredited since 2005 by the Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering Education (JABEE) that aims to ensure the international equivalence of engineering educational programs provided by higher education institutions in Japan.

Adopted on December 26, 2007

Major subjects of the CURRICULUM

1. Basic electrical and mechanical subjects

Dynamics of Machinery I Elementary Instrumentation Engineering Engineering Mechanics
Mechanical Instrumentation Control Engineering I Electromagnetic Instrumentation
Circuit TheoryI Circuit TheoryII Electromagnetics I
Electromagnetics II Signal Analysis Elementary Electronic Engineering
Engineering Mathematics I Engineering Mathematics II Engineering Mathematics III
Engineering Physics I Engineering Physics II Engineering Physics III
Statistics Material Mechanics I Material Mechanics II
Experiments of Electronic control systems engineering I
Experiments of Electronic control systems engineering II
Experiments of Electronic control systems engineering III
Graduation Research

2. Advanced subjects

Control Systems Engineering
Machine Design Dynamics of Machinery II Systems Engineering
Robotics Control System Analysis Control Engineering II
Control Engineering III Control Systems Components Applied Engineering Mechanics
Exercise in Dynamics of Machinery Exercise in Engineering Mechanics
Instrumentation Systems Engineering
Engineering Instrumentation Sensor Engineering Intelligent Instrumentation Systems
Electronic Circuit Electronic Instrumentation Applied Electronic Instrumentation
Remote Sensing Exercise and Seminar in Instrumentation Engineering
Electrical and Electronic Systems Engineering
Electrical Energy Conversion Systems Electrical Energy Distribution Systems Communication Engineering
Digital Circuits and Systems Signal Processing Electrical Power Generation
Computer Design and Organization Exercise and Seminar in Circuit Theory
Electronic Devices Engineering
Semiconductor Engineering I Semiconductor Engineering II Semiconductor Engineering III
Physical Electronics I Physical Electronics II Semiconductor Integrated Circuits
Surface Physics Microwave Engineering Exercise and Seminar in Electromagnetics